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Walk for Breast Cancer


Saturday, September 27
Newport High School

Saturday, October 4
Siuslaw Middle School

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Jeanette Campagna & Sonia Graham
Kick off Breast Cancer Awareness Month and participate in a 3-mile FUNdraising walk in Newport and/or Florence.

Proceeds raised from the event will stay local within Lincoln County and coastal cities in Lane County and will benefit local breast cancer patients. Funds are distributed through programs administered by nonprofit organizations who support these geographical areas.

This is an opportunity to proudly and loudly raise awareness in our communities and to provide faith, courage, and hope for all women who have been affected by breast cancer.

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Schedule & Locations

September 27
Newport High School Track
322 NE Eads, Newport, OR

October 4
Siuslaw Middle School Track
2525 Oak Street Florence, OR

CoastBusters will be held rain or shine, so plan accordingly for the weather. Walkers are encouraged to bring their own water bottles and cash for "extras" including: message ribbons, photo booth, prize drawing tickets, extra t-shirts, and more.

Newport or Florence Walks

$35 Early Bird thru Aug 31
$45 thru Sept. 21 - Newport
$45 thru Sept. 28 - Florence

$60 Day of: Sept. 27 - Newport
$60 Day of: Oct. 4 - Florence

Join in Both Walks

$60 Early Bird thru Aug. 31
$80 thru Sept. 22
$110 Day of Sept. 28

  • Spread the word! Talk to your friends, family, and co-workers about participating in the event.
  • Fundraise! We encourage everyone to help raise money for CoastBusters! The top individual fundraiser and top team fundraiser will win fun prizes.
  • Create your own team with team name—the more the merrier!
  • Dress up in your favorite pink attire on CoastBusters Walk Day! Prize(s) for best costumes!

Your support helps to make this event even more successful…and FUN!
Volunteer for the Newport Walk

Volunteer for the Florence Walk
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Your Donations Help Local Cancer Patients!
Proceeds raised from the events will stay local and benefit Pacific Communities Health District Foundation Women’s Cancer Fund and Pink Lemonade Project in Newport and Oregon Cancer Foundation in Florence. Monies will be earmarked for local breast cancer patients in Lincoln County and coastal cities in Lane County.
Since 2021, CoastBusters has raised more than

Our Story
Sonia Graham & Jeanette Campagna

Sonia and Jeanette were your two ordinary, fun, spirited everyday kind of ladies living the blissful beach life at the Oregon Coast in Lincoln County, OR. Then one day out of the clear blue that all changed. Both have their own individual stories, however they share one commonality. They are recent breast cancer survivors—and that’s what makes them extraordinary!
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Jeanette was diagnosed in November, 2019 following a routine mammogram. After four arduous biopsies and further invasive testing that resulted in the discovery of three cancerous tumors, her best option was a unilateral mastectomy. In late February 2020 Jeanette underwent surgery. Recuperating amid the start of the COVID pandemic, she underwent reconstructive surgery in May 2020. That was followed by more than a year of physical therapy to provide more mobility to a frozen shoulder that was a result of the surgeries. It was also recommended that five years of cancer meds be prescribed to reduce the recurrence of any further cancer. On February 27, 2024, Jeanette celebrated 4 years being cancer free.

Sonia’s journey began in early February 2020 when she discovered a large lump in her left breast during a routine self-exam. It was confirmed to be cancerous during a mammogram, ultrasound, and biopsy all on the same day (March 26, 2020). Cancer was detected with two lumps in the breast and impacted lymph nodes. Because of the aggressiveness of Sonia’s cancer, the cancer care team suggested chemotherapy to reduce the cancer before surgery. Sonia had 16 rounds of chemotherapy beginning April 23, 2020. Following chemo, Sonia had a lumpectomy followed by a complete lymph node dissection when cancer was still detected during the sentinel node biopsy. On January 18, 2021 Sonia finished her 33 rounds of radiation therapy and was determined to be officially in remission.

Prior to their diagnoses, Jeanette and Sonia shared a direct connection through the Newport Chamber of Commerce, however it was their cancer journeys that truly bonded them as friends, survivors, sisters, and yes, warriors. They supported each other throughout their recoveries and helped each other through the healing process. During one of their many conversations they decided they wanted to make a difference in the lives of others in their own community struggling with breast cancer. They adopted the motto that "something good can certainly come from something bad." It was also very important to them to give back to the medical teams and community that provided immense support.

And it was then that the CoastBusters Walk for Breast Cancer event was created!
CoastBusters filed for its nonprofit tax-exempt status with the IRS. The process may take six to nine months to complete. CoastBusters, acting in a responsible, fiduciary manner, is allowed to accept any and all donations/sponsorship payments. CoastBusters can acknowledge all donations/sponsorship payments, however, receipts cannot be issued for donations/sponsorship payments until the official nonprofit status has been granted through the IRS. If a tax receipt is required, please make your check payable to either Pacific Communities Health District Foundation Women's Cancer Fund (PCHDF) for the Newport event or Oregon Cancer Foundation for the Florence event and mail your check to CoastBusters. It's always recommended that you consult your tax advisor about donations/sponsorships and any tax deductibility benefit.